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Salem Beautification Committee
Meeting June 26, 2012

Present: Marcia Lambert, Sam Fiore, Bev Moustakis,   Maryanne Piechocki. Sandra Power,   Barbara Sirois, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe.   Absent: Mary Ellen Halliwell, Visitor/Member: Barbara Swartz

Meeting was called to order at 7:32 P.M.

The minutes of the meeting of May 5, 2012 were reviewed and accepted as written

1.~ Welcome new members - The Committee was very pleased to meet and welcome Barbara Sirois to the group.  All look forward to working with her and appreciate the Garden Club membership experience she will bring to our plans and projects.   Barbara Swartz has been a co manager of   the prize winning Washington Street traffic island.   Her appointment to the Committee is very much appreciated.

2.~ Plant Sale debrief - The event was held in connection with the Living Green Fair which was held in the “Old Town Hall building on May 19th.  Ellen reported that the sale netted $821.50.  This was down from the $1037 made last year.    It was noted that the setup looked very good, that the herbs sold out, that the “Flowers by Darlene” contribution was appreciated and that Lisa took some good pictures.  It was felt that the weather may have had some effect on attendance.  The discussion focused on the pros and cons of the date and the location of the Plant Sale.  In the past the Sale had been held on the Salem Common.  Last year as part of the Living Green Fair, it was held together with other vendors in the space behind the Old Town Hall on Front Street. This year there were two locations: again behind Old City Hall plus annuals were displayed on Riley Plaza.  There were no other vendors at either location.  
        It was moved and seconded that next year’s sale be held on the Salem Common May 18, 2013.  
             The Motion passed

3.~ Lady of Salem – Mary Anne reported that the project has gotten very nice coverage in the Salem Gazette, Salem News and the website is very nicely constructed.  Twelve “Ladies” are currently hanging and featured on the website.   A thirteenth will emerge in coming weeks and is sponsored by Witch Tees. Online voting for the best “Lady” will begin in July and will take place on paper at various sponsor sites, on the website and on Facebook.  As part of the City’s July 4th activities for children there will be a table featuring copies of a “coloring book” sketch of the “Lady.”   Children and adults will be provided crayons so that they can dress the “lady” with color then take their own version of the project home with them.    The National Park Service Trails and  Sails event to be held on the waterfront at the National Heritage Park on September 29th  will mark the end of voting and will result in the announcement of the voters’ choice of  the Favorite ”Lady.”   A prize will be awarded to the artist.  

4.~ Traffic Islands - Sandi described the status of the islands project.  The island located near Fantasy island at Vinnin Square was run over.  The mulched rotary at Ziggys looks good.  Jack Mclean is always very helpful.  Sam’s Washington Street Island  looks fantastic.  The Boys and Girls Club sponsors the area by the Bike Rental.  Sandi helped the CDC pick the garden site at Mary Jane Lee Park which has been planted by children.   The Active Vets’ island received a $200.00 donation from Betsy Merry and the planting of rose plants was suggested.  The problem grass at Congress Street was discussed.      
 5.~ Future Plans, Projects, etc. – Ellen announced that Hanging Baskets will be installed on the Pedestrian Mall next week as a vendor has been identified. Issues regarding the type of plants to be used, watering and costs plus the possible reuse of the planters in following years were addressed.  Whatever is done this year will be a trial of the idea.
        It was moved and seconded that the Committee contribute $500 Dollars to the Hanging plant
         project.  The Motion passed.

Plans for the improvement of the Pedestrian Mall area were reported.   Removal of some trees and the small fountain and a kiosk are planned.   Trees are also to be removed from Lapin Park in order to improve the light and the grass in the area.

 Attention was called to the need to spruce up the Mill Hill area.  

The August Garden Club window box competition was considered.  The merits of adding a traffic island “honorable mention” category was discussed as a means to recognize more of the sponsors..
        It was moved and seconded that the window box and traffic Island awards ceremony be held on
              The  lawn of the Brook House home on August 9, 2012  at 5:30 P.M..

The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 9:10 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting:  July 24, 2012
Chairperson:    Marcia Lambert